


Tips To Help You Sleep like a Baby

A good sleep keeps the body charged up and rejuvenated. The effect of a good sleep doesn’t only get reflected on the body but can also be seen as a glow on the face. But the hectic lifestyle and excessive…

Cakes that are real treat for the eyes

Holidays, weddings and festivals take our attention towards the tempting desserts and cakes. Cakes are always a delight to eat and with the growing creativity, people are taking the art of baking cakes a notch higher. The latest rags team…

7 Super Bizarre Habits of Our Ancestors

Life is moving at a rapid pace and there have been millions of lifestyle changes over the ages. There are very few times that we get to know about our ancestors and their unusual way of living.

8 Distinctive features that will make your house simply unique

Building a home is just not enough. It needs great effort to set up the right stuff at the right place to keep the house interiors innovative and tidy. The most important thing while setting up a new house is…

Body signs indicating lack of sleep

How often do you feel the need to give yourself a good pampering time by sleeping more? Do you feel that there is something unusual happening in your body while you are too busy in chasing dreams? If that’s the…

Save Yourself from These Pet Keeping Blunders

Pet lovers are beautiful souls who know the importance of innocent animals. The care and love that they shower onto their pets truly determines their humanity. The daily care that the pet animals get is sometimes done incorrectly which can…


They say humanity runs on coffee! Coffee lovers can totally relate with this quote and we totally agree. Coffee is much more than just a drink. It needs to be made with super perfection and the right ingredients as the…

6 Secrets that can keep your Heart Super Healthy!

Healthy body is something that has gained real importance these days. Nobody wants to die suddenly one day due to poor heart health. The fear of heart attacks diverts the attention towards better ways of keeping the heart healthy. If…